CALL US NOW ON 0161 448 1782

Ant Control Warrington

Ants may not be a direct risk to human health but having worker ants entering your property in search of nice sweet food, can be particularly annoying. In the majority of cases, these ants come from several nests so destroying a single nest that you may have found, will not get rid of the problem.  Manchester Pest Control are experts are treating ant infestations effectively and we offer a guarantee to back that up: inside treated areas are guaranteed for one month after the first application, although please note terms and conditions apply*

Before we arrive.

Make a note of any areas you have seen ants and remove as much furniture and items from the “path” as possible. Empty cupboards & remove toys and other items if you can. Pets should also be removed from the areas. Cleared areas should be washed down, hovered/dusted as the chemicals will ONLY work on clean, dust free surfaces.

The Treatment Process.

We will spray the latest insecticides around all pathways ants have been found, as well as around every window, door and wall. Most nests are outdoors and hence the ants swarm towards the inside of the property in search of food. By effectively creating a barrier of insecticide, ensures each ant must walk over the chemical to reach the destination. By the time they have returned to the nest their contaminated bodies will have touched hundreds of fellow ants and larvae. This kills the nest(s) by spreading the insecticide to where it will be truly effective. You should notice an improvement straight away but the process will take up to two weeks to complete.  In winter months, cold temperatures slow the process, and you should allow up to 6 weeks for sporadic activity to cease.

After our technicians have done their work.

The treated areas must be left to dry completely – any noticeable puddles or damp areas must NOT be sponged or mopped up. Pets must be kept away from the area, until it’s completely dry. Any contact with the wet liquid must be thoroughly washed from your skin. The chemical will slowly degrade and wear off but this should take around 2 months.  Vacuuming or washing down areas within two months of application, will severely limit the treatment process, by removing the active ingredient immediately.

It is normal to see a burst of activity, or ants “swarming” after initial treatment – please let them continue their natural behavior. Interfering will prevent the insecticide getting carried back to the nests and render treatment ineffective.  At keys times of the year, some queen/drone ants may have already been evicted from the original nest(s) to start new colonies for the following year but this isn’t cause for concern as nests are not normally abandoned or changed from year to year.  Treatment will get carried to the relevant nests (if the ants are not disrupted following the treatment) and activity should die down quite quickly.

*Insecticides are only effective when applied to CLEAN surfaces. Failure to prepare the area for treatment or not adhering to post-treatment instructions and advice will invalidate this guarantee.

WE ONLY USE Unmarked Vehicles So only you know we are visiting
We use unmarked vehicles

Manchester Pest Control's work is guaranteed, Treatments are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week including bank holidays. We will also advise on any pest proofing issues and how to avoid pest problems in the future. We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose! We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose!

CALL US NOW ON 0161 448 1782 Wasp Nest Treatment £59.50 ( + £20 per additional nest )

We Cover the Manchester & Stockport areas


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