CALL US NOW ON 0161 448 1782

Cockroach Control Gorton

Cockroaches – the hardest and most disgusting pest

There’s probably no other insect pest more reviled and hated than the cockroach, and with good reason. Hard to kill, hard to find, carriers of disease and bacteria, responsible for the closure of businesses – these pests are everyone’s worst nightmare.

Worse yet, trying to deal with them without the right equipment and treatments is like trying to push water uphill. Cockroaches are notoriously difficult to kill and only industrial-grade treatments are able to deal with them effectively.

Luckily, that’s where we and our experienced technicians come in. We have the training, equipment and treatments to deal with any kind of cockroach problem effectively, no matter where you are in the Manchester, Stockport and Cheshire areas. Don’t waste time, contact us as soon as you suspect a cockroach problem in your property.

Spotting the problem

Cockroaches are drawn to warm, damp and dark places, as well as areas close to foodstuffs. They will scatter from light, so getting a proper look at them can be hard, but there are a few signs that you can look out for.

Signs of an infestation can include smear marks or droppings left by the cockroaches as they move around, cast exoskeletons from their moults, egg cases, and oddly enough an almost almond-like smell. If you spot any of these signs, or any live cockroaches please contact us as soon as possible as this is a serious infestation that needs to be dealt with quickly.

The biggest problem with cockroaches is how quickly they can breed. Each female cockroach is able to make up to four hundred babies in their lifetime, with each baby reaching maturity within three months and living for another three to nine months after that. Of course, as soon as they reach maturity, these cockroaches are able to breed and the cycle starts again. It’s incredibly easy for an infestation to quickly grow out of hand if left unchecked, and the longer you leave dealing with it the harder it will be to remove the entire infestation.

In the UK there are two main types of cockroach present. The first is the German cockroach which can swim and is generally pretty agile, and able to fly short distances and climb on smooth surfaces. The Oriental cockroach is not able to do any of those things but looks quite similar, although is quite a lot darker in colour than the German cockroach.

Both kinds are known vectors of disease and bacteria, including some very serious threats to your health such as food poisoning agents, dysentery, typhoid and any number of other diseases.


Once you contact us, our technicians will visit your property and survey the extent of the infestation. They will then employ one of a number of treatments to ensure that the infestation is dealt with both in terms of adult cockroaches and their young and eggs. Removal and clean-up of the cockroach carcasses can also be carried out, and they also provide advice, guidance and equipment to proof against any further infestations.

WE ONLY USE Unmarked Vehicles So only you know we are visiting
We use unmarked vehicles

Manchester Pest Control's work is guaranteed, Treatments are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week including bank holidays. We will also advise on any pest proofing issues and how to avoid pest problems in the future. We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose! We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose!

CALL US NOW ON 0161 448 1782 Wasp Nest Treatment £59.50 ( + £20 per additional nest )

We Cover the Manchester & Stockport areas


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